Day: March 16, 2018

Talk Show hosts, Social Media, and Liberals: the Unholy Trinity.

I want to point something out here: it’s okay to disagree with people with a point of view which is different than one’s own. In fact, it’s more often than not encouraged in various places.

Or at least was, up until a month or so ago. That’s when the whole #MeToo scandal, the censorship of conservative news outlets and research groups such as Capital Research Center, Prager University, as well as Info Wars on YouTube , and a bunch of other stuff, started happening. I honestly have no idea what the media has against conservative news outlets, or people and celebrities who identify themselves as conservative.

Here’s what I think: the liberal media outlets have taken it upon themselves to criticize and censor any opposition, while, at the same time, advocate for free and rational discussion.

My opinion on this subject is that once you try to take away differing views and opinions from the media, you don’t have a free country, you have a dictatorship. And, in my opinion, the media, news outlets, and sometimes even universities have turned themselves on its head by silencing conservative opposition and thought. And by turning themselves on their heads, I mean throwing themselves headfirst from the bridge of sanity.

We have to restore that sanity in order to fix this problem, and it’s in desperate need.

Let me tell you something: I’m a conservative, and my feelings on certain issues doesn’t give anyone else the right to practically cut off my line of thought neither from the media, college campuses, or any of that. If I were to do something like that to those on the left, they would tell me that I’m infringing their first amendment rights to free speech and freedom of press.

Now explain something to me: why is it fair to do the same thing you advocate against to a conservative, who is just trying to get his or her opinions out there?

Some college campuses have done the same thing to conservative speakers, to “avoid offending others”, as they put it.

I’m probably going to get a lot of criticism for saying this, but what was once the liberal way of thinking is now it’s own worst enemy: it’s censoring other news outlets, trying to demonize the conservatives, and restricting thought and ideology except those they deem fit.

They abhor those who are pro-life, pro-constitutional marriage, Christian, etc.

But they support killing babies, gay marriage, restricting gun rights, and God forbid, what I call “the anti-Christian feminists”.

Doesn’t sound nice when you call things by their name, does it?

But, for those who see the issue as I do, there’s still a way to stop this ridiculous and restrictive movement.

Fight back.

Who knows if some of us depend on it? Or who will be next?