“The Immigration Game”

“The Immigration Game”

Disclaimer: I want to start off by acknowledging, first of all, before people start to label what I will say in this article as “racist” for my stance on illegal immigration, keep a couple of things in mind:

1) I, myself, am an immigrant from Puerto Rico living here in the United States. (A legal immigrant, mind you.)

2) My criticism towards immigration is directed towards politicians and their aims with this immigration policy, not the immigrants themselves.

With this in mind, there is one exception, which many of us have heard throughout the media lately: the Salvadoran gang known as Mara Salvatrucha, more commonly known as MS-13. (I will not go into detail regarding their origins).

I also want to point out the misconception that President Trump was referring to all illegal immigrants when using the term “animals”. He clarified that he was referring to MS-13 members, not immigrants, per se.

“I am referring, and you know, I’m referring to the MS-13 gangs that are coming in. […] The MS-13, these are animals that are getting into our country; we’re getting them out. They come in again, we’re getting them out.”

So, to claim that he was referring to all immigrants is absurd; legal or otherwise.

I don’t believe that all who try to enter illegally into another country are doing so with bad intentions, sometimes there are many people who cross because they want to escape the hostile climate of their native country, and believe that they will be more secure and have a better living condition inside a foreign country than in their native one. (Take the Syrian refugee crisis, for example.). Sometimes it’s because they are desperate to look for work with better pay. Or many other things which aren’t crime -related. I can understand how that can make moving to another country more desirable.

However, I also believe that America, as well as other countries, should be able to affirm its sovereignty and secure its borders.

What I mean by this is that America needs to be able to guard its borders on both sides and make sure that whenever someone wishes to enter the country, that they do so as many of us in the United States or elsewhere would enter their countries: legally.

No country would allow an American to enter without the legal registration and paperwork; so why should we?

And the Democrats, especially Nancy Pelosi, ignore this simple logic and instead label those who affirm this as racists, or as being ignorant of, what she calls, the “spark of divinity” inside every person.

Keep in mind, she refers to illegal immigrants when using this term. Not veterans, not police officers, not teachers, doctors, ministers, or anyone else, but illegal immigrants.

I honestly don’t believe that she even believes that any of us actually have that “spark”, I just think that she’s just trying to do and say whatever she can to hurt Trump and his administration and gain influence among these illegal immigrants.

They can’t vote in a U.S. election, she knows that they can’t, and she’s trying to gain influence by trying to appeal to them; because she’s aware that if she gains influence among them, they have a higher chance of voting Democrats in office, if they ever got a chance to vote in the country legally.

The thing here is that they don’t care about these immigrants; they could care less about how they live their lives.

They only want influence, so that they can pass more of their laws through Congress; that’s all they want. Not a better quality of life for these immigrants, or better paying jobs.

Influence. That’s what they’re after.

They’ve politicized the issue so much that it’s clear to some people, myself included, that that’s all they’re looking for.

Some people who support these people coming into America will say that “America is free for all to enter, you’re just a racist, a misogynist, etc., who hates immigrants”.

No, that makes no sense because I didn’t single out any ethnic group as a whole, I only mentioned MS-13 as being dangerous, not all Mexicans.

And if we’re looking for solutions to this illegal immigration dilemma, how about this?

How about instead of aiding these immigrants for influence, we get to work finding a way to help the immigrants we already have here, and secure our borders, before going any further into this dilemma?

Find a way to take care of these immigrants that are inside of our country legally, then work on securing our borders, and then get to work with these immigrants who can’t get in legally.

If it’s so simple, then why don’t we try fixing this first instead of wasting our time with DACA?

It’s so simple, even a Democrat could figure out that this is the way that we should, logically, face this problem.

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